Military "non combatant" M1A2-1-1 gasmask, produced by? There are at least 2 versions. This one is the latter. differences are in the facepiece material and the head harness. Last picture is in comparison with another cloth bag for the M2A1 training gasmask. I'm still looking for such a mask!!!
Military M1A2 gas mask (2nd series). Made by Firestone. Those masks were used till 1944. Early masks had a fabric covered hose. The mask is the follow-up of the famous Kops-Tissot-Monroe mask which was developed just after WWI. Comes with a standard cloth bag.
Military M3A1 diaphragm gasmask. Especially made fore voicemitting. At least 3 versions are known to exist. Previous ones are made with metal parts instead of plastic. Mainly manufactured by MSA. This one comes with a cloth bag.
Military M3 Lightweigt Service Gasmask, made by ? (capital R is found) in 1943. Production began in 1941 and facepieces were made out of neoprene instead of natural rubber. Problem was that in colder regions the masks suffered of “cold set”, wich is the stiffening of the neoprene. That’s why those masks were given out to soldiers in more tempered climates. The other received rubber ones.
Military M2-10A1-6 lightweight optical gas mask, made by Firestone in 1952 (see production clock). This mask comes with a cloth bag which is the same as those of the M3 lightweight service mask. (This mask was exchanged by a fellow collector, Viktor Ferrando from Spain, thx Vik!)
Military Navy ND Mark IV Diaphragm Gas Mask. Production started from the end of 1943. Mine was made in 1945 by Firestone. The wearer fixed the filter at the back of his neck. This one comes complete with the cardboard faceform but unfortunately no fabric carrying bag.
Military Navy ND Mark V gasmask. Production started by MSA in 1957, but mine was made in 1968. Two fixer filters were attached at each side. Comes with a cloth carrying bag.
Military M10 (also known as a civil all service gasmask mod. S). Comes with a large transport box. High quality inudstrial and military mask, made by MSA in the begin of the fifties. This one has a Filter cannister adopted in the early seventies. The strange block-type thing at the end of the hose is a clock, wich can be set to 4 hours (working time of the filter in maximum conditions). This one was found in the engine room of an old seaship in the port of Antwerp.
Civil All service gasmask mod. S, made by MSA in 1959. This model has a circular exhale valve on the front. The mask is a part of an SCBA-unit used by the IREA ( Instituut voor Reddingswezen Ergonomie en Arbeidshygiëne), a coalmining institution in Belgium. The mask was bought from a former instructor there. No bag, box or whatsoever was with it.
Civil Wilson WIG type gasmask. Model adopted in the early fifties. Comes in a large transport box. Made after specifications of military masks used in WWII. This one comes with a filter adopted in the seventies.
Military M9A1 gasmask. Production began in the early fifties by Firestone, MSA and probably other contractors? Mine is from 1953 and has the code GN (Genistron Corp.?). This one comes complete with it’s original airtight sealed container and a chemical protective hood. This one is the latter model in which the stitches are glued to provide more cover. Filter diameter is 60mm. The only difference between the M9 and M9A1 is another model of cloth carrying bag.
Military M24 vehicle crew gasmask. Made by IDL? in 1981. This mask came forth out of the M14 for armoured vehicles and airplanes. This one has a inner nosecup to prevent fogging and to reduce the dead space of the mask. The difference between aircrew and vehicle crew masks is the microphone jack. The latter being of the “male” type. The first hood is a tank hood, the second a aircrew one. This one comes complete with a cloth bag.
Military XM28 “grasshopper” gasmask. Made by MSA in 1969 Production began in the late sixties. Used by the so called “Tunnelrats” and helicopter crews (without headstraps) in Vietnam. It comes with a relatively small nylon carrying bag. Like shown, the mask won't fit! You have to fold it inside out, cracking the plastic piece between the eyepieces, and with the headharness inside the mask. Really strange, but so the story goes…
Military MBU13, made by Sierra&Scott in 1980. Actually a full face oxygen mask. This mask comes with microphone and headset, used by the USAF (United States Air Force). Further details will be added soon.
Military M17A1 gasmask. Made in 1971 by MSA. A hood is also attached to the mask. Also included is a TM (Training Manual) and a chemical agent detection paper booklet. This one comes with a late cloth bag for the M17 series. The early M17 had no drinking device wich the latter one has.
Military M17A1 gasmask. Made by MSA in 1970. Overall the same as previous, but this one has eyepieces for spectacle wearers. Comes also with a cloth bag of the earlyer type.
Military M42A1 Armored Vehicle Protective Mask. Made by IDL in 1994. Produced and adopted in the early nineties. Later on the M42 was reworked and received another hood and breathing tube. The nose cup, to reduce the dead space and fogging, was also altered. It was called the M42A1. Mid-nineties the mask received another microphone atachment and larger nylon carrying bag. Which is now designated the M42A2. This one comes with a protective hood.
Civil gasmask, made by MSA and is called "advantage 1000". Made with a sillicone eyepiece so it's verry plyable. Military masks are made under the name "Millenium" and differences are minimal (mainly the exhale valve). This mask was made in 2004, as seen in the production clock-picture but unfortunately the quality of the photographs is bad. No carrying bag was with this mask.
Civil English GC (General Civilian) gasmask (C1). Made in large quantities, beginning in 1936. Came standard with a cardboard box, but was mostly modified by the wearer with all sorts of transportation boxes. This is a verry cheap made gasmask with 3 point harness. Even Canada and New Zealand adopted this model. In this pictures the wearer’s adress can still be seen. The filter is the same as the CD (Civilian Duty) gasmask. This one has a blue-green colored arsenic pre-filter attached in front of the normal filter.
Civil C2 Small Child’s Respirator (C2) “Mickey mouse”. Made by Avon on 06/1941. Made espacially for children aging from 2-5 years. The mask is fitted with a flutter type exhale valve. Made in bright colors to minimise the fear of wearing a gasmask by the toddlers and pre-schoolers, therefore called a mickey mouse mask. In America there was a "real" mickey mouse mask! Actually the most fun was reached when you exhaled verry hard so the flutter made a sort of “farting” sound!
Civil Baby Protective Helmet (C3), made out of a metal frame wich is used as a baseplate. A bag, made out of rubberised fabric, with visor is used to put the baby in. Fresh air was pumped in with the use of a bellow. The filter is the same as used with the C1 and C6. This one is made in 1939 by the firm Frankenstein and sons!
Military Mk V Service Respirator, made by L&B in 1941. It has a headharness in the old style. The hose was covered with fabric till 1941. This standard issue carrying bag includes a package of anti-gas ointment and a first aid dressing.
Civil MkV Service Respirator, made by Avon in 1941. It has a head harness in the old style. This hose is stil covered with fabric. The carrying bag has markings of the ARP (Air Raid Precaution). This was the second English mask, bought by me in a museumshop in Essen (Belgium).
Military Mk IV Service Respirator, made by Dunlop in 1939. It had the headharness of the old style and the whole gasmask is covered with fabric. The carrying bag also differences with the later ones.
Civil Hospital Respirator (C5). Made by L&BR Co. in 1943. This was probably the year in which production started. Made out of rubberised fabric. The filter was the same as those of the C1. There was also a small adaptor on the end of the hose for adding oxygen.
Civilian Duty Respirator (C6), made by S.G.? in January…? Flutter type exhale valve and a exchangable filter (this one with a arsenic pre-filter). The carrying bag is made out of simple fabric and could differ between each other. Those masks were in service till the seventies without little change.
Civilian Duty Respirator (C6), made by B.R.F. in 04/02/1942. The carrying bag is also dated 1942. This one comes with no arsenic pre-filter. Those masks were mainly in use with civilian aid services like fire depts, police, ambulance services etc.
Lightweight Service Respirator, made by Avon in 1943. Initially made for paratroopers and other types of special units. The exhale valve cover is of the second type (the middle piece being shallow). This one has a latewar head harness. It’s inscripted “Deroose”. The mask was carried by a member of the Brigade Piron, the first Belgian brigade wich entered Belgium! The fabric carrying bag was made especially for it, but there were subtile differences according to the makers. It was bought in Genk on a flea market for about 10€.
Lightweight Service Respirator, made by Avon in 1942. The exhale valve cover is of the first type (the middle piece is protruding). This one has a early war head harness. The filter is made on the 11. July 1942. The carrying bag is made on the 12. month 1942. The bag and mask are vaguely stamped with crown over CF = Civil Forsvaret (Civil Defense) of Denmark. This country made use of all sorts of overstock gasmasks from WWII, even German ones. This one was called M45 in that country.

Military Mk V Service Respirator, made by Spalding in 1942. Converted in a bellows type smoke apparatus. No other markings found! The head harness is made of the first type. There is a long hose attached to it (artillery model). Strange thing is the adoption of a neck and waist band. On the end of the hose is a little (filter) container which can be screwed on another device. It was bought by me in the region of Walcheren, Holland. Additional info can be read in the last picture.
Military Mk IV General Service Respirator. Second model, artillery type with long hose, made on 04/07/1939. Filter: E Mk IV with EA container wich was a smoke filter.Those masks were issued to the BEF (British Expiditionary Forces) and were all discarded in Belgium and the north of France in 1940. Bought at an antiques fair in Tongres for 20€ ;-)
Military MkIV Special T General Service Respirator. Made by Avon on 06/05/1941. First model head harness This model had a protruding microphone inlet at the left side of the mask. Unfortunately the closing cap is missing. Comes with the standard issue fabric carrying bag.
My first English gasmask.
Military Mk V General Service Respirator. Made by URP on 09/42. This one is an artillery model with long hose. Note the absence of fabric, covering the facepiece or hose. The filter has a leather stamped ID-tag from a Dutch Naval soldier who served in the Dutch East Indies (so it’s said to me). It sais: RNN 4510715 W. Filins, (RNN stands for Royal Netherlands Navy). Info would be appreciated. Head harness is of the second type. Unfortunately no carrying bag was with it.

Military Mk V general Service Respirator, converted for rescue workers. Made by JB on 02/43. No other markings found. Artillery model Head harness of the second type, but mixed straps (elastic ones and 2 fabric front headpieces?). At the end of the long hose there is also a little container, made out of aluminium and brass. Which could be screwed onto another hose wich was atached to a bellowing-device. No carrying bag with it. Found also in the region of Zeeland, Holland. For more info just click the last picture.
Civil Defiance gasmask. Made by BCGMA (British Civilian Gas Masks & Appliances), probably around the late 30’ies - early 40’ies. Original intended to be sold to Egypt, but tests were not satisfactory? This one comes with a fixed filter, but screwed-on types could also be encountered. Comes with a bag wich likes verry much like Italian ones, so is it original?
Military Lightweigt Service Respirator. Third (post-war) model. Gray painted exhale valve cover with protruding screw thread which can be used for a microphone device. The filter is slightly smaller than it’s counterpart of WWII. This one is dated 03/12/1952. The mask itself is made in 1952 by Avon, but adopted in 1956 by the army. The headharness is like the second model. Comes with a cloth Lightweight Respirator bag wich is a leftover from WWII.
Military Lightweight Service Respirator. Fourth? model. Black painted exhale valve cover. Like the third model but clearly a transitional model. Comes already with a newer type of headharness, which is dated 1955. the mask itself is made by L&B in 1952. Comes also with an overstock Lightweigt Respirator bag from WWII.
Military Lightweight Service Respirator. Obviously the same model as before, but now with a grey exhale valve cover. The mask is dated 1954 while the filter is from 1953. Comes with the original Lightweight Respirator bag (WWII dated) and the cardboard box where it was stored in military stockhouses.
Military S6 General Service Respirator. Made by Avon in 1976. Production began likely around the 70’ties. Strange thing is that this mask has 2 production clocks, one being of L&B (1975) and the other one of Avon (1976). This mask comes with a inflatable face seal wich is verry comfortable to wear. Unfortunately without bag.
Military S10 General Service Respirator. Made by Avon in 1988. Production began around 1985. This mask incorporates a drinking device, filterinlet left or right, microphone adaptor, and angled eyepieces for spectacle-wearers (like this one). Again, no bag was included.
Military FM12 General Service Respirator. Made by Avon in the 90’ties. Production began also around 1985. Filters could be attached on both sides, speech membrane could be screwed on. At this moment (2008) this mask is in use by the Dutch, Danish and Norwegian army. Belgians also use them on active missions and use the BEM4GP only for training purposes…
Military C3 gas mask. First model, made by GTR in 1975. The first model had an exhale valve cover like the English ones. Made from 1960 till about 1985. The aluminium filter is dated 1976. Comes is a cloth bag which is treated to make it impermeable. Comes with a Nylon type head harness.
Military C3 gas mask. Export model made by Baron in 1988. Made in Canada for the Dutch military forces, wich adopted it as the M3, but is currently phased out for the FM12. The aluminium filter is dated 1975. Comes with an updated cloth bag, which is also made impermeable.
Military C2 gas mask made by Baron in 1988. This one comes with an adaptor for 40mm threads on filters instead of the early standard 60mm. The filter itself is made from plastic and is made in 1993. It’s adorned with a bright red band wich means it’s an exercise filter! This mask comes with a rubberised fabric bag
Military C4 gas mask, designed by DREO (Defense Research Establishment Ottawa). Production began in 1988. The first types were designated as XC4. This one is made in 1992 and in green, being slightly more scarce on the collectors market. Comes with a standard C2 filter. Unfortunately without bag. More info can be found at
Civil Shalon Nr 4. Made in 1969. Basically a licence copy of the German Dräger simplex gasmask. Production at the Shalon plant started in 1967. This mask comes with a cardboard box and plastic faceform. Made in large quantities for the civilian population in Israel. More info about the company can be found at
Military unknown mask, made by DAGSA (Defensa AntiGas S.A.) which was the licence builder of Dräger Blanco. No dates found on the mask or container, but could be placed around 1936. Only a stamp wich says inspecion del estado en la DAGSA Segovia and a production number. The metal container is a German lookalike.
Civil C-Maske, made by FEGA, which stands for FEuerschutz GAsschutz medicinische Geräte wich had plants in Zürich, Bern and Lausanne. The mask is dated 12/1938, but production could been earlyer. Later types were used by the firedepartments troughout Switzerland, but those facepieces are black. The mask is verry similar to the military GM33 except with the absence of a hose. The mask comes in a thick gauge sheet metal container.
Military/civil GM53, dated 1962 This mask is strange, it comes in a plastic bag which says SM74 and has the newer headharness but the attachment to the faceform is of the GM53. Not only HS (Huber&Suhner) made those masks. Mine is made by INCA, so to say, the eyepieces. INCA was founded in 1915 ans is now still producing plastics. This mask came with a "wrong" Danish FE55. Standard rubberised cloth bag.
Military T35 gasmask made by Pirelli. Standard head harness with typical bucklepiece. Strange thing is the combination of a WWII facepiece and a "Spanish" CMP (Constructora de Material de Protección) filter dated 28/11/1963?? Comes with a cloth carrying bag.
Military M29 gasmask mady by Pirelli. Made in the late twenties, early thirties in Italy and exported only to Belgium. The facepiece is made out of thick leather. This one comes with a military type cloth bag. On the rubber exhale valve is the name of the company stamped and the year of production, 1930.
Military O39 made by IAC (which means Industria Articoli Caucciu, rubber articles industry) in 1940. O means occhiale (optical). Used by armoured car personnel and canonneers. First made in 1939 and in 1941 probably replaced by the O41 which had a facepiece made of BuNa (abbreviation of Butadien and Natrium, a German invention as early as 1927!). Unfortunately no cloth bag was with it.
Military M59/G made by Pirelli at 10/08/1970. Ricardo Spaciani also produced this type of mask. It has got a red paint stripe which indicates the use as an exercise mask. The filter is of the T35/58 type, which is basically the same as wartime types but with an updated filling. Unfortunately there is no bag with it.
Civil C60 gasmask made by pirelli. No dates found so far. This one comes with a FE55 Zivilschutzfilter, which normally doesn’t belong on such a mask. It has two exhale valves, one on each side. This mask comes without bag of container .
Civil SGE 150 gasmask, made in 2001 (SGE being the abbreviation of Società Generale Elastomeri s.p.a.). This simpified mask is made solely for civilians. Police masks are made with drinking device and left and right filter connectors. No bag was with it.
TC 38 (TC = Typ Civile) It's a ANP 31 Mask without hose, with little filter. coded with SFMG wich stands for Société Française de Médicine Générale. Other markings are: TO which stands for Taille Ordinaire (standard size). Comes with a sheet metal container.
Civilian AJAX-F2, Italian licencebuild. Italian masks have got smaler holes in the exhale valve cover and different hooks for the headharness. There are at least 3 color variants (grey, brown and khaki). Size III. Comes with a sort of papier maché container.
ANP39/FM3a Czechoslovakian licence product made by Vernon. Probably made for the French civilians. A mask with hose was also in use by the military. This version comes with a sheet metal container.
Civilian Ajax F2 variant with no stamps accept for the size markings. All cloth headbands. Comes with a sheet metal container.
Civilian Securit gasmask. Unknown producer. This version has small eyepieces and the facepiece is made of smooth rubber (versions with textured rubber and larger eyepieces are also known by collectors). Comes normally with a sheet metal container, but unfortunately not in my posession.
Civilian Salvator gasmask. Unknown producer.This version is made with slightly larger eyepieces and with smooth rubber eyepiece. Just like the Securit there are versions with textured rubber. Comes normally with a sheet metal container, but is also missing with this one.
Civilian C38 gasmask. with all cloth headbands. There are a great varaity of masks, made by different producers. This one comes with a sheet metal container.
Civilian C38 gasmask with partially rubber made headbands. Green painted exhale valve cover and eyepieces would point to police use? No sheet metal container in my posession.
Civil Fernez Panoramasque, made in 1979. Industrial mask with two exhale valves. The filter is also made by Fernez. No carrying bag or whatsoever. This mask is given to me as a present by my local fire dept. :-)
Civil Le Gallus gasmask. Made in? This mask has got a headharness which can not be adjusted! The mask is a part of a SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus). The mask itself is made under English licence. Light brown ones exist also. My local fire dept. tend to use those masks also long time ago.
Military AFRA (Appareil Respiratoire Filtrant des Armées) gasmask, made by GIAT in 1992, comes complete with a bag, included with drinking devices and sunglasses. The mask is made from a stiffer type of plastic instead of rubber. Only the faceseal is made of softer material.
Military/civil M34 Leder B maske, made by Dräger Wien. Faceform made out of leather and a exhale vale on the side. The iron snout is painted green which points out military use. The mask comes with a sheet metal cannister made by Auer? Probably added later. Those masks came also in versions with round eyepieces and no exhale valve. I couldn’t find any readable (date) stamp on it. The filter is dated 1935 and the "Klarscheiben" 1938. Used by the fortress artillery. More excellent info can be found at
Germany before 1945
German military GM 17 after WWI in use by the Reichswehr and is updated with a micca exhale valve and an early FE37 filter. because of the higher filter, the metal container was made higher by soldering another piece of sheet metal between the botom and the lid seen on the last picture. The GM17 was in use by the German and Austrian-Hungarian armies in WWI. It was made of oiled sheepskin (leather). Military instructions allowed 5 times of reparations on the leather. Those types were in use by the Luftschutz, Feuerwehr and other secondary units. Also the Rumanian army was given a batch during the war as some sort of miliatry aid.
Military GM24 gasmask. This one comes with no hose and the filter is directy attached to the mouthpiece. The cover differs from the GM30 and 38. Normally masks with a hose were carried in a fabric bag, but this one has a thick gauge metal container for storage. The mask is stamped with 1938 and has (strangely enough) a Reichswehr-eagle stamp! The carrying container is made in 1939. Around 1940 the Wehrmacht had 200 000 pieces issued to fortressunits in the east, flak- and marine-units. I've seen a hose version on Ebay which was sold for 411€, mine costed around 50 € ;-)
Civil Clora Gasschutzmaske Modell 31. Facepiece made of rubberised cloth and eyepieces which could be unscrewed. The “Klarscheiben” are from Degea. No dates found but this was clearly the precedor of the Clora maske which is pictured below. No metal container nor filter was with it. This mask was actually exchanged for another Clora by my new friend Viktor Ferrando from Spain…Thx Vik!!
Civil Gasjäckchen für Kleinkinder, RL 1-39/40, which stands for the Auergesellschaft Werk Oranienbrug Berlin. (abbreviation bwz). Production started in 1939. The filter is screwed in at the back. Older persons used a bellow to flush in fresh air.
Civil VM37 Volksgasmaske which is a hooded type of the 1st model. (with a small rubber band at the back for better gastight closure). Comes in a simple cardboard box. The Klarscheiben are dated 1939. RL-Kennummern: RL 1-38/4 which stands for Auergesellschaft Werk Oranienbrug Berlin. (abbreviation bwz). Comes with an aluminium filter and the typical instruction leaflet.
Civil VM 37 Volksgasmaske which is a hooded type of the 2nd model. (with no rubber band at the back of the hood). The Klarscheiben are dated 1939. This one comes with a privately purchased sheet metal container, stamped with RL 1-40/11 which stands for E. Martin Scheithauer KG from Zwönitz in Sachsen. Comes with an aluminium filter.
Civil gasmask carrier called: Tragebüchse “original VuPa für die VM37. VuPA stands for Vulkan Papier, a process in which cardboard is soaked and covered with a petroleum derivate (which hardens) and becomes impermeable. This boxes received the following RL-code: RL 1-40/64. The company was named and located: neue Deutsche Werkstoffe, Fabrikation und Vertrieb, GmbH Brandenburgerstrasse 34, Berlin. Nowadays there is a medium sized Jack Wolfskin Store located in the building.(This box once belonged to a Apotheker (pharmacist).
Civil VM40 Volksgasmaske in green color. Simpified version without hood. Comes with a headharness made out of rubber and cloth. The Klarscheiben are dated 1942. Storage was upside down in a sheet metal container, stamped with RL 1-41/20 which stands for August Zschiedrich, Metallwarenfabrik from Beierfeld in Sachsen. This one comes with a zinc filter.
Civil VM40 Volksgasmaske made of black BuNa. The headharness is made entirely out of BuNa. The Klarscheiben are dated 1943. This one comes in a sheet metal container, stamped RL 1-40/9, so produced by: Schmidt & Melmer, Blechwarenfabrik und Verzinkerei, from Weidenau, Siegen. Also this one comes with a zinc filter.
Civil VM40 Volksgasmaske in mint condition. Comes in a cardbord box. The Klarscheiben are dated 1942. RL 1-39/87 is stamped on top of the box. This means the mask is produced at the Drägerwerk Heinr. & Bernh. Dräger Moislinger Allee 53-55 in Lübeck (abbreviation byd). This one comes with an aluminium filter and the instruction leaflet.
Civil Vollblick Maske, made by the firm of Dr H. Stoltzenberg. No date found on the mask. The mouthpiece is like the ones on the GM30 first series. The filter is made in 1940 and has a shelflife till 1944. Capital HL is also stamped in ink which means HochLeistung? (high endurance time). No container was with it.
Military/civil? GM38, with a civil mod. FE37 S-filter, made by Auer in 1941, but strangely no RL-stamps are found on the mask. The facepiece is made by Drägerwerk, Heinrich & Bernhardt Dräger, Lübeck (code byd), and the snoutpiece is made by Aluminiumwerke Nürnberg GmbH, Nürnberg (code bmw). Headharness connection to the facepiece is of the first type. No container was with it. (Note: The white wire inside the mask is only for displaying purposes).
Military GM38 in green color, made by Dräger Wien in 1940. FE37 filter. Headharness connection of the first type. Funny thing is I found the mask in a recycle-store were it was priced € 2,5 yes two point five :-D Unfortunately no container.
Military GM38 in black BuNa, with blue painted eyepieces and snout, to indicate magnetic metal parts.
(See directive from the O.K.H. (Ch H Rüst u BdE),5.7.43
6230/43 in V (Vb)
Nebel und Gasschutzgerät:
171. Magnetische Gasmasken
1. Aus Rohstoffgründen wird künftig die Hauptmenge der Gasmasken in magnetischer Ausführung (Augenfenster und sonstige Beschlagteile aus Eisen statt wie bisher aus NE-Metallen) gefertigt.
2. Kennzeichen der magnetischen Gasmaske:
a) Anschlußstück, Schutzsieb, Schelle zum Einbinden des Anschlußstückes und Augenfenster erhalten einen mattblauen Anstrich.
b) Sprengringe,Grundringe, Schraubring für das Ausatemventil, Schnallen und Nietösen Hakenschieber sind verzinkt ohne Farbanstrich
3. Ausstattung:
Die magnetische Gasmaske ist für Einheiten vorgesehen, die nicht mit Richtkreisen und optischen Instrumenten mit Magnetnadel ( Ausschließlich Marschkompass) ausgestattet sind.)
The facepiece is made by Radium Gummiwerke of Köln-Dellbrück (code aqd) and the mouthpiece and carrying container Ewald Witte u. Co., Velbert (code gbv). Headharness of the second type. FE41 filter. Everything is dated 1944.
Military GM38 in black BuNa, with blue painted eyepieces and snout, to indicate the contence of magnetic parts. The facepiece is made by Fatra AG, Napajedl / Mähren (code ebd) and the mouthpiece on the outside is coded hnr which is Apag, Aluminium Präzisionsguß A.G., Potsdam-Babelsberg. The inside lxq (Josef Kudrnac & Co., Gummiwerke, Nachod/Protektorat). Everything is dated 1943. Headharness of the second type. The filter is a CO FE 39. The sheet metal container isn’t coded with a 3 digit ordonance code but simply by the firms’ logo. H and S in a circle.
Military GM38 in black BuNa, with blue painted eyepeices and snout to indicate magnetic parts. The facepiece is made by Fatra AG, Napajedl / Mähren (code ebd) and the mouthpiece hnr which is again Apag, Aluminium Präzisionsguß A.G., Potsdam-Babelsberg. Headharness of the second type. The filter is the FE41. Everything is again dated 1943 like the mask above. The container is coded eve (Emil Fröhlich, Metallwarenfabrik, Grünhain/Sa.). Interesting is the fact that both masks were found closely to the region of Zeeland (Netherlands). Same productioncodes point out that units were kitted out with large batches of masks from the same firms. This mask was given as a present by my uncle Hugo, thx!
Military GM38 tropical type. The facepiece, made by Dräger Wien, is made out of a mixture of black and green BuNa?! The mask is made in 1940 and the mouthpiece inside is coded with an S in a circle wich is the company Semperit Kautschuck GmbH. Headharness connection of the first type. The container is made in 1942 by Ewald Witte u. Co., Velbert (code gbv). Now some strange features: the FE42 filter hasn’t got a WaA stamp but is inkstamped with a 4, G and 48!! Could it be 1948? The G (Getränkt) could possibly point out that the filter is soaked in a Hexamethylentetramin mixture. Another strange this is the inkstamp on the headbands, which says 14 Mei 63 H. The month May is normally spelled Mai in German. Could the 63 point out 1963? Another small stamp again says (19)44? The container was factory painted green, thereafter tropical lightyellow and at last lightgrey, which less reflects the sun.
Military GM30 made in 1938 by? The container is of the earlyer short type and has no capital D (Gedichtet, watertight) on the bottom. It’s made in 1937. It has a WaA stamp and still bears the older Weimar eagle. The FE37 filter is soaked in a Hexamethylentetramin bath in 1939. Belonged to a certain Schneider. This set was bought on holliday in Austria in 2000.
Civil Vollmaske 726AS/UA, made by Auer in Jan. 1933. The snout has got a “Universal Anschluss” (UA). The eyepieces are simply cramped in the facepiece. They are made out of aluminium, later types were made out of bronze. This one comes with a military (first type) sheet metal container which is dated 1937. The filter has got a RL-stamp: RL 1-39/6 which stands for “Schaumodell VM Filter 37 (Dräger Muster). They were used till 10/03/1943, when the licence was stopped. Propably used as a Luftschutz mask during the war.
Civil Vollmaske 747-AS, made by Auer in 1941. The filter is of the HochLeistungsfilter N°89 type, and is made in 1942. On the lid of the sheet metal container is RL 1-40/76 stamped which means Auergesellschaft AG, Werk Oranienburg, Berlin.
Military GM30/civil S-Maske, made by Clora in 1938. No waffenamt markings found nor RL-number, but came with a container which is marked with RL 1-38/3 (Auergesellschaft AG, Werk Oranienburg,Berlin (first adopted for facepieces)). Sadly enough the FE37 filter was painted over. Belonged to a certain Colling Karl.
Military GM30/civil S-Maske of the second type, made by Auer. The exhale valve is covered with an aditional piece. The container is like the previous one (Auer). Comes with an Auer Mod. FE37 S-filter and is dated April 1941.
Military GM30, of the first type, made in 1936. Stamped inside with AB112. The container with clicksystem, adopted in 1935, is dated 1937 and has a WaA stamp with Weimar eagle, which points out military use, but is it original to it?. However the filter is strange. It’s of the FE37-type but has no stamps whatsoever. Grey painted and only a paper band is glued to it which says: Filtro procedente de recuperacion Fabrica N°3. Most certain an export product, but what with those army stamps? More info would be appreciated.
Military GM30/Civil S-Maske, made by Auer. The snoutpiece is of the first type and has the marking: A3B (only A1B, A2B and AB112 are known to me by this date). Inside is a WaA320 stamp (Auer-Gesellschaft A.G., Gasglühlicht, Werk Orianenburg). Everything is dated with 1937. Unfortunately no filter was with it. This piece is randomly seen in Luftschutzduty. Attentive readers must have noticed the absence of the metal spring band between the face- and mouthpiece.
Military/civil GM38, made of green BuNa; The facepiece is made by Drägerwerk, Heinrich & Bernhardt. Dräger, Lübeck (code byd), the snout by the Honsel Werke A.-G., Meschede (code btc) in 1941. The inside of it by Wetzell Gummiwerke A.G., Hildesheim (code htj). The Mod. FE37 S-filter is made by Auer in 1941. Note the strange configuration on the headharness. The mask is stamped with WaA533 (WaffenAmt from Dräger). The sheet metal container is dated 1940 and has no capital D on the bottom. Since there was no coding system in ’40 there is a stamp of the companys logo (some sort of crown).
Military GM30/civil S-Maske, made by the Dräger werke in Wien (Vienna). The snoutpiece is made by Aluminiumwerke Nuernberg GmbH, Nuernberg (code bmw). Inside there are numerous stamps like P.V. WIEN ("Polizei Verwaltung" police constabulary Vienna) and is dated 1942. The mouthpiece has the "circle with S in it"-symbol (Semperit Kautschuk GmbH, Österreich). The eyepieces are coded hrr (Stahl, Kern, Kahles & Co., Michelstadt (Hessen)). Comes with a standard S-Filter. The oval sheet metal container is also stamped with P.V. WIEN, but has no date. There is a RL-stamp on the lid above, but is unfortunately barely legible.
Civil GTG Gasmaske 200-R, made by the Dräger Werke Lübeck. Variant with no exhale valve. Made on 03/1939. eyepieces could not be changed. Comes strangely enough with a military FE41 filter. The stamp Fe means Ferrum (iron). The container is closed by means of a latch and were adopted by the army in 1936. It’s dated 1936 and has the firms’ logo, inverted triangle in which DS stands above N. On the lid is the number 136 painted and a square in which I can read a W and an E. Could it be some sort of police mask?
Military/civil Gasmaske 544RA (exact name not known), made by the Dräger Werke. Exact date not known, but the eyeglasses are stamped with 1944 and byd (Drägerwerk Heinrich & Bernhardt Dräger Moislinger Allee 53-55 in Lübeck). On the inside is only the Dräger company stamp and 544. The eyerings (like those of the GM30) were painted blue (magnetic) and afterwards silver (postwar?). They are stamped with fny44 (Allgemeine Elektrizitäts Gesellschaft (AEG), Metallwerke Oberspree, Berlin-Oberschöneweide) and hkb4 (not 44) which points out production by J. Weisensee GmbH, Metallwarenfabrik, Fulda. Normally it had a headharness like the GM38, but received recently a rubber one like the English AVON FM12. This could be a verry late war production OR an early postwar one (cfr. The GTG of 1954). This one comes with an aluminium VM filter and no carrying container.
German civil CFS gas mask, made by the Chemische Fabrik Dr.Hugo Stoltzenberg, Mönkebergstrasse 19 in Hamburg. The mask itself is made in July 29th of 1940. The facepiece is made just like those on a GM30 and the snouthpiece is of the first type. Notice the carrying container which looks like the ones adopted by the Heer/Luftschutz. Personnal of the Luftschutz were permitted to use such masks. The S-filter made with the housing of a Hoch-Leistungsfilter. (In the 3th and 6th pic you can see some iron wire, but this is used by myself, to hold the mask open).
Military GM30-Mikro. 2nd model. Facepiece made by ? The snout is made by the Honsel Werke A.-G., Meschede (code btc) and inside stands the code aqd, which is Radium Gummiwerke GmbH, Köln-Dellbrück, Grafenmühlenweg 109. Black rubber inside (BuNa) and a marine acceptance mark (large eagle and capital M). In 1943 the mask was controlled and received a stamp on the clasp above the snoutpiece. The filter itself is of the FE41 type (witch has a late type of raster inside of it). At the side there is vaguely a stamp wich says 15 jan 1945. On the lid of the container there is a date (1940) and an inverted triangle in wich stands capital EF. Once belonged to a certain Woitkowiak! Bought in the Netherlands were it was picked up as spoils of war, by a civilian.

Military German Pferdesauerstoffmaske, comes with a bag from Dräger Werke. Made in 1940. On the mask are no stamps found, nor on the fabric cover. The bag is the same as where the M38 Pferde Gasmaske is stored in. Installation of the mask can be seen on the picture. If anyone has more info please contact me!
German GM30 gas mask of the first type, made by Dräger Lübeck in 1938. Still in it's original cardboard box. The number 2 in front denotes the size. The NA means Neue Art, new model, the successor of the famous GM24.
German GM38 gas mask of the latewar type, made by the Auergesellschaft A.G., Berlin in 1944 (blue snoutpiece: btc: Honsel Werke A.-G., Meschede). Inside, the mouthpiece is dated ’43 and has got an illegible manufacturings code (probably dps, which is the Union-Werk AG, Mittweida, Sachsen). The “Klarscheiben” are made by kug (Langheck und Co, Zellglas- u. Pliaphanfolien-Fabriken, Esslingen am Neckar), but is dated 54! Is this a mismatch (1945)? The mask is still in it’s original cardboard box (alltough the mask is size 1 and the box says 2.).
German GM38 gas mask of the latewar type, with the second type of attachment of the headharness. The unpainted! snoutpiece is made by flr, Dräger Wien, and is dated 1944. The mouthpiece is dated ’43 and had got the S in a circle (Semperit Kautschuk GmbH, Österreich). The facepiece is dated 21 august 1944. The mask was delivered in a scarce latewar container, coded frn (Rudolf Lang, Brandenburg an der Havel), which has got a simplified unfolded bottom (see pics for comparison).
German GM30, was in use by the Bergneustadt FeuerLöschPolizei (FLP, voluntary fire department), first model snouthpiece (A2B), dated 1938, with RL1-38/3 filter (Auer) and model 1936 container wich is made in 1939 by FFA (manufacturor?) and has a WaA181 stamp (controlled by Hugo Schneider A.G. Metalwarenfabrik, Leipzig). The "Gasmaskenbüchse" has got no D for "gedichtet" at the bottom, but instead an ink stamp which says "Kontrol
le". At the front of the facepiece you can see a police eagle with some text in a circle, but unfortunately it is illegible.
West Germany
Civil Auer 735 Vollmaske, made in 1958. At the end of the 50ies the snout was produced in a sort of plastic. Earlyer masks had metal snouts. Presumably stocks from WWII were used first. The eyepieces can be unscrewed. Fabric head harness. The mask came with a former Wehrmacht low metal container which is dated 1937!
Civil GTG-RA gasmask made by Dräger. This one is made in august 1954. GTG stands for Gummi-Trikot-Gummi and RA for Rundgewinde Ausatemventil (Round thread and exhale valve). This mask is of the first series, with a cloth headharness. Simply screwed eyepieces. No container or filter was with it.
Civil GTG-RA gasmask made by Dräger. This one is made in may 1965. This one is fitted with a filter made by Barikos (BArtels-RIeger concern). Headharness made of rubber and the eyepieces of the second model. The exhale valve is covered with a plastic protector. Comes with a sheet metal container like the ones in WWII, but a little broader.
Civil GTG-RA gasmask made by Dräger. This one is made in 1960. This one is of the first series with a cloth head harness. Screwed-in eyepieces which can be exchanged by a 2-point screwdriver. The sheet metal container is from the WWII era (and is original to the mask). It’s stamped kbg44, which was the company of Erwin Backhaus, Remscheid. Who also produced postwar tanktracks!
Civil GTG-RA gasmask made by Dräger. This one is made in 1962. This one is of the second series with a rubber head harness. Screwed-in eyepieces of the second model. The sheet metal container is strangly enough made by Auer.
Civil GTG gasmask, made by dräger in 1954. Exact productname unknown. GTG means gummi-trikot-gummi, the type of facepiece. Unusual is the use of a snoutpiece which is made in 1943 by the Honsel Werke A.-G., Meschede (code btc). Leftovers from the war were generally used during the so called “wirtschaftswunder”. This mask has got a gas- und nebelfilter typ 620. Comes with a rather broad sheetmetal container.
Civil Auer 744-AS Vollmaske, made in 1951. This one comes with a exhale valve mounted on the side. Eyepieces can be unscrewed. Fabric head harness. Unfortunately nog bag or container was with it.
Civil Auer 777-AS Vollmaske, made in the early sixties, unfortunately no date found on mine. This one comes with screwed on eyepieces. Rubber head harness. Exhale valve on the side. No bag of container was with it.
Civil Dräger Novex, made in 1965. eyepieces could be unscrewed with a two-point wrench. Full metal snout. Looks simmilar to the military GM54, apart from the head harness which is rubber made in this case. Strangely enough this mask came with an Auer thick gauge metal container.
Civil Auer 744 Vollmaske, made in 1954. In mint condition. Probably made for police use? No exhale valve. Eyepieces can be unscrewed. Comes with a metal container and military filter FE55.
Civil Clora Maske. No datestamps or whatsoever found. Just the brands name. Is it a pre-1945 production or not? Some state it as produced in the thirties. Were plastic exhalevalve covers made then? This one comes with a civil FE55, but with a former Wehrmacht container which is dated 1937.
Civil Panorama Maske made by Dräger in 1965. There were different types, mainly with a difference in the filterinlet housing. Made with a centralscrewthread, different types of speechmembranes etc. This one was also a present from my towns fire dept.
Civil Panorama Nova Maske, made by Dräger in 1970. This one has small differences at the speechmembrane outlet. Please compare with the other photographs. The second one (made in 1999), still packed in platic bag, has the simple plastic speechmembrane outlet. The last one has a device to click in a SCBA-unit (Made in 1999). The last two masks were given as a present to me by my stepbrother in law. Thx Marc!
Civil S3 made by the Auer Werke. This is a more recent model which was produced in 1987. Compare this one with the next and you’ll see subtile differences. Comes with a skai type of storage bag.
Civil S3 made by the Auer Werke. This is an older type of mask in the S3 series, this one being produced in 1982. Note the difference on the valve under the snout.
Civil Barikos BRK720 gasmask. Made by BArtels & RIeger KÖln. For more info look at: This mask has got 2 exhale valves. This mask is part of a SCBA-unit. Unfortunately the face visor is damaged.
Civil Z56 made by Dräger. Production started in 1956. This one is made in 1965. Cheaply made mask for use within governmental organisations etc. Rubber head harness. Normally a cloth bag was with it, but is missing here.
Civil Dräger Kareta gasmask. Made in 1970 after specifications of the German military GM65. Initial production began at the end of the sixties. This one comes unissued in a plastic container and includes an instruction leaflet.
Civil Fluchthaube made by dräger. Cheaply made mask which encloses the full head. A pair of adjustment straps are fitted on the sides; The facevisor is made out of a sort of soft plastic. Comes with a filter which is fixed on the snout. Let’s say it’s a one time use only…
Military GM65, made by Dräger. Production began around 1965, and mine is from 1969. The series before the GM65 was called GM62 (which had no valves at the nosecup and had a metal voicemitter cover instead of the plastic ones later on). This one comes with a thick gauge sheet metal container.
Militay GM54, probably made by Dräger. This one is made in 1959. In construction differs the mask only little with the famous GM30 from WWII. Even the sheet metal container is a lookalike. The fabric around it preventend rattling noises.
Civil SM30 (SM= SchutzMaske). This gas mask was used by the fire departments in East-Germany.The mask is produced before WWII, probably between 1936 and 1938. Original it was called the GM30 (first model, which had no exhale valve cover and no cover above the speechmembrane!). You can see the early Reichswer WaA stamp and postwar controlstamps (1960-1963) at the neckband.Also postwar there was an exhale valve cover fitted and a teethprotector above the speechmembrane. Comes with a rubberised bag and a MEDI filter which is dated 1961 (84 is just a lotnumber).
Civil MEDI Schutzmaske 456, made in 1961 and was in use by the DDR fire Department. This mask is an exact copy of the famous GM38, expept for minor differences. This one comes with a sheet metal container, on which the lid is stamped with the logo from MEDI.
Civil MEDI Schutzmaske 8531, made in? This one has a “universalanschluss” on which a SCBA system could also be attached. Unfortunately the headstraps are a little bit detoriated. No date could be found.
Civil MEDI ASM 85132, 6th model. Plastic snout, flat eyepieces. Plastic parts were used as early as 1961. This mask is dated 1969, and is clearly a firefighter mask.
Civil GTG Vollmaske 8533A Made by MEDI. This mask has a proof stamp from 1969. Screwed-in eyepieces. Used by the fire department. Comes with a sheet metal container. Note: GTG stands for Gummi Trikot Gummi.
Civil ASM 85132, 6th model?? Made in 1982. Plastic snout, flat eyepieces, no “hochknopfvorrichtung”. Correct identifying would be appreciated.
Civil ASM 13029 Made by MLW (VEB KOMBINAT MEDIZIN-UND LABORTECHNIK LEIPZIG.ASM stands for AtemSchutzMaske. Third version with black colored eyepieces. Exhale valve on the side. Was in use by the DDR fire deptartments. First proof stamp on the neckband, 1973. This one comes with a cloth bag.
Civil Industriemaske 13214. Made by MLW in 1988. This one comes with a cardboard box and instruction leaflet. Note the exhale valve.
Military M18 gasmask. Original a German Lederschutzmaske, captured by the allied forces (approx. 17000 pieces). They were send to Porton Down in England for overhaul treatment. New filters and adaptors were installed. They were given to the Belgians in a ARS type sheet metal container.
Civil SBA mask (Société Belge de l’Azote). At least made in 3 different variants, including exhale valve and eyepiece differences. (See later pictures for comparison). These masks are also given out to the “passieve en actieve luchtbescherming” (air raid precaution).
The strange worm-like tube on the chinpiece is a exhale watervapour slot. This one is a later version, unfortunately without typical filter or bag.
Civil SBA mask of the very first type!! Extremaly rare. Note the difference in the color (grey in this version), and mainly the exhale valve cover and massive iron eyepieces. Comes with a red painted filter (stamped with a capital F), altough versions with capital BP are also encountered (but for what reason?). Note also that the filter has a more sphere shaped bottom in comparison to the flat L702 filters. A thick gauge sheet metal container was used for storage.
Civil SBA mask with hose for the “actieve luchtbescherming” (active ARP). Grey version with second type of exhale valve cover. Note also the large filter cannister, stamped LPA controle SPG 1937. Capital BA stands on the other side. Comes complete with bag and anti dimming eye-inserts. This mask was bought in a military antiques shop were it was called an English type of respirator ;-)
Civil SBA mask with hose for the “actieve luchtbescherming” (active ARP). Brown version with second type of exhale valve cover and eyepieces. Unfortunately without bag or filter.
Civil L702 gasmask. Probably the most encountered mask in Belgium. Prices for such things go verry low, at about 5-10€. (Once I saw one for sale on the I-net for 80€!!! :o ). Those masks were given to all sorts of gouvernmental branches etc. They came in large cardboard boxes of ten pieces. Export versions are also known to exist. Holland, France and Sweden are one of those. They were fitted with 40 or 42mm tread adaptors for the filters instead of this 25mm version. The cannister and filter are painted green for use with the post war“civiele bescherming (CB)” civil defence. There was a small paper tucked under the filter cap which says 26/11/1956.
Civil L702 gasmask. This one is in mint condition, and is stamped with a gouvernmental crest and a control stamp which says controle SPG 1939. head harness straps are held together with a bakelite ring and the exhale valve cover is also made of this material. This mask was given to me by my deceased grandmother (on mothers side)…this was my first mask and from then on I started collecting gasmasks. Thx grandma!!!
Civil AG15 (Anti Gaz) gasmask for the “actieve luchtbescherming” active ARP. Comes with a larger filter and a hose for more comfort, rubber head harness of the third type. This mask was also produced by Sacic (Société Anonyme pour le commerce et l'industrie du caoutchouc). Date of manufacturing: 1940. Comes with a cloth bag.
Civil AG9 (Anti Gaz) gasmask. Made by Sacic in Italy and was exported to Belgium. Has got the 25mm adaptor for Belgian filters. Almost the same as the Italian T.O.U./MN. The eyepieces are of the first type (more rounded).Stamped with: Sacic AG9 Agrée par le gouvernement autorisation N° 178 and controle SPG 1939. Issued with a sheet metal container.
Civil AG9 (Anti Gaz) gasmask. Made with the same specifications like the one shown before, exept for the eyepieces, which are more flat (probably close to the German invasion of 1940) and the extra rubber band protection around the inhale valve. Dated SPG 1939. Also issued with a sheet metal carrying container. For comparison please look at the last pic.
Civil AG15 (Anti Gaz) gasmask. Made for passive civilans by the l’Anti Gaz Société Anonyme. The head harness is of the second type. Stamped with: LPA controle SPG 1938.
Comes with a typical sheet metal container with l’Anti Gaz S.A. stamped on the lid.
Civil AG15 gasmask. In mint condition, made for the passive civilians. Made by l’Anti Gaz S.A.. The head harness is of the first type, with elastic cloth and a large backpiece. Stamped with LPA controle SPG 1937. Comes with the standard sheet metal container.
Civil AG15 gasmask. Made for passive civilians by the l’Anti Gaz Société Anonyme. The head harness is of the third type. Strange enough this mask came with a L702 filter. The sheet metal container is made by the l’Anti Gaz S.A.
Civil AG5 gasmask, made by the l’Anti Gaz S.A. No type designation found. There is also a version with cramped metal eyepieces. This one has simply folded-in glass eyepieces what can be seen in the pics. Italian type of head harness. Comes here with a L702 filter but it’s normally issued wih a brown AG15 filter. Unfortunately without carrying container.
Civil BB (made by Bergougnan caoutchouc brut et manufacturé) gasmask, made in licence by Engelbert? BB stands for Bergougnan Belge, founded in 1921, making tyres, industrial pneumatics and conveyor belts. Since 1988 part of the Trelleborg company. Were they also issued for military use? Unfortunately the rubber exhale valve (on the outside under the hose) is detoriated. Dated 1936 and comes with a military type of cloth carrying bag.
Military M32 gasmask, made by Sacic in 1932. This mask seems at first glance exactly like the latter M34 gasmask. The eyepieces however are slightly smaler, this one being 50mm instead of the latter 60mm (compared with eachother in the pictures). Comes with a standard military cloth bag.
Military Modèle 34 Sacic gasmask. Almost the same type as the BB. Made in licence by Englebert. This mask is dated 1934. Early types (M32) had smaler eyepieces. Comes with the standard military cloth gasmask bag.
Military M34 gasmask, made by an unknown manufacturer (a one in a circle), in 1933!. Comes with a standard military cloth bag. If anyone has got more info about the manufacturer, please contact me! <- this could be the Pirelli Company, they made gas masks for the Belgians or gave a licence to build their models. Thanks to Filip van den Berghe!
Civil Mod 2 E-339 gasmask, made by Englebert. This mask is fairly modern in design, with swivvle attachments for the head harness. Comes with al large filter which has to be carried on the breast with a sling around the chest. Dated 1940. Comes with a rather bulky sheet metal container.
Civil EV639 gasmask, made by Englebert. This mask is similar to the AG9 and Italian versions. Stamped 22 KDH controle SPG 1940. Comes also with a small tye of filter and is carried in a sheet metal container.
Civil AGM (Anti Gaz Militaire?) gasmask. Adopted for “werkende ploegen” civillian workers. Almost identical to the Modèle 34 and the BB. Comes with a large cloth bag simmilar to the British ones. Date LPA controle SPG 1938.
Military ANP51 (APPAREIL NORMAL DE PROTECTION) made by CBB (Compagnie Bergougnan Belge). Actually licence build from the French company GIAT (Groupement Industriel de l’Armement Terrestre). Used not only in France but also for long times in Belgium. His ancestor was the C38. This one comes with the standard carrying bag. The other bag is used for a small NBC detection set.
The small NBC detection set
Military BEM 4GP gasmask. Which stands for: Belgian Engicom Mask 4th generation General Purpose. Mine is made in 1995. Adopted in the early nineties by the Belgian army as a replacement of the old French M51, but by now (2008) already phased out. Some say there are problems with the gas-tight seal at the snout, but I have’nt read official documentation about that. The masks delivered will be used only for training puropose. On active duty the soldiers receive the famous Avon FM12. The BEM4GP uses a snout type which can be turned in 3 ways, so lefthanded soldiers have less problems. The only military mask which had also such a type of snout is the Italian Super 53. Along with the photos shown, are some late type of Belgian gasmask filters. Normally the mask comes with a fabric bag, but mine was still in it’s original cardboard box in mint, factory condition.
Military Model G made in 01/1937. Those masks were made either by Hevea or Vredestein. It’s assumed that production started in 1937. Altough the filter is dated 11/34! The facepiece is made out of a sort of neoprene rubber. Unfortunately the headstraps were fully detoriated, and no bag is included.
Civil Gasmasker II made by Vredestein. Flutter type exhale valve. This one comes in a shallow sheet metal box, but other types of carrying devices were also used. This one is dated 1939. Production started around 1938.
Civil Gasmasker III made by Hevea. The same type as above. Also dated 1939. No bag included.
Civil Veritex made in 1939. Production started in 1938. Cheap made gasmask with a hood. The exhalevalve is of the flutter type and the snout is made out of bakelite. This one comes with a cardboard box.
Civil Dräger export gasmask. Exact name not known. Made in 1941 by the Germans for the Dutch people. Comes normally with a cardboard box but this is not included with mine. Instead there is a sheet metal carrying tin from the firm Oxygenium with it.
Military Model K Made by Hevea; Stamped with K53 which points out a 1953 production date. The snoutpiece has two types of rounded thread, 40mm and 60mm, so English filtertypes could also be used. Comes with a cloth bag.
Military Model K made by Vredestein, stamped with K52 (1952). Adopted by the Marine. Basically the same mask as above, but subtile differences in the facepiece. Verry early masks had also a different exhale valve instead of this mushroom shaped one.
Military Model K made by Vredestein. Stamped with K62 (1962). As above, but with an updated faceform.
Civilian L702 Actually a Belgian mask but exported by the Ougree handelsmaatschappy in 1939. The Filterinlet is 40mm instead of 25mm. More info can be found in the Belgian section. Comes with a rather slender sheet metal container.
Civilian FATRA FM3, actually a Czechoslovakian exportmodel. Made in 1940. This mask comes normally with a sheet metal container but is missing here. More info in the Czechoslovakian section.
Military M1938/39 gasmask, used by the HtK, Haerens Techniches Korps. Made in 1940. Production started as early as 1938. This mask has eyepieces made out of glass. At first glance they look like the German GM30’s. Comes with a thick gauge metal container.
Civil M1938 gasmask, for civil use but stamped by th HtK. Made in 1941. This mask seems to be made out of BuNa, a German invention and has micca eyepieces. Comes with a cardboard container and an instruction booklet. Note also the smaler filter compared to the one above.
Military GM38, in mint state. Actually postwar in use by the Danish CF (Civilforsvarsstyrelsen, civil defence). Comes in a overstock English Lightweigt gasmaskbag. Also included is a manual from 1965! Stamped with the famous crown over CF on the facepiece. The German filter is grey overpainted as a sort of denazification. Further is the snoutpiece stamped with (19)44 and btc, which means: Honsel Werke A.G., Meschede. As per regulation, all pieces are stamped with ordonance codes.
Military GM38, again in use by the Danish CF, according to the stamp (crown over CF). This mask is made by the Dräger Werke in Lübeck in 1939. The eyepieces are screwed on! The “Klarscheiben” are marked with kug 1944, which means: Langheck und Co, Zellglas- u. Pliaphanfolien-Fabriken, Esslingen am Neckar. The FE41 filter has got all the former military stamps except the WaA marking. No bag was included with this mask.

Military M34 gasmask, build by Dräger Wien. This mask is simmilar in construction to the German GM24 or GM30. Most important stamps are the crown over GK, which stands for Gas Konsulenten, a Norwegian company which was specialised in all sorts of gas-protective materièl. Further a datestamp is found (1939). The Klarscheiben are from the Dräger Werke and are dated 1936. Unfortunately the mask is without cloth bag or filter. This one was sold to me by someone which tought it was German (or Austrian). Thx to Tor Christian!!!
Military M61 Skyddsgasmask, first model, made by Nokia? No dates or whatsoever found. This mask is like an exact copy of the famous US M9 mask. Comes with a 60mm thread filter and a cloth bag.
Military M61 Skyddsgasmask, second model, made by ? The producers name and date are errased from the faceform when the mask entered the civillian market. This one comes with a speechmembrane above the exhale valve cover. Comes with a cloth bag.
Civil Folksgasmask typ 21. Made by the Stockholms Skofabrik in 1940. Precedor was the typ 15 and thereafter the type 32, but they were made by other manufacturers. The model is quite close to the English C1 civilian respirator and the Belgian AG9. The mask was carried in a cardboard box.
Civil BICAPA mask, a licenced copy of the German Auer 747. This one has brass folded eyepieces, no exhale valve. Comes with a filter, made by the same company. BICAPA stands actually for an abbreviation of BIrger Carlson Palén. Palén and Carlson started a company in 1924 which imported and sold breathing equipment from Germany. The mask comes with a black painted Wehrmacht container which was used post-WWII by the Dutch firedepartments.
Civil BICAPA mask, a licenced copy of the German Auer 747-AS. Brass folded eyepieces and a exhale valve. No dates found, but probably post-WWII. The headstraps were somewhere in time cut off and replaced with rubber ones which were also fully detoriated. Was in use in a Dutch firedepartment.
Civil BICAPA mask, a licenced copy of the German Auer 747, but this one has a little difference in the attachment of the filterhousing. Verry vaguely stamped with the BICAPA crest and a serial number. Svenska a...? could also be read. Porbably post-war, dutch firedept. mask.
Civil AGA Interspiro mask. This is also the new name (since 1983) of the company. Used in a SCBA-setup. Apparently the headharness is home made and it looks like some fool used it to do a sandblasting job!!!
Czechoslovakian Republic
Civilian FM3d gasmask from FATRA? Comes with a cardbord container and is dated 07/05/1952.
Civilian FM3a gasmask produced by FATRA. The rubber headpiece is covered with tissue. Comes with a filter made by Echhardt (dated 1938) and a sheet metal container.
Civilian Fatra S-3-37, with instruction leaflet, filter made by Eckhardt and is dated 1937. The mask is also known as the Lidová Maska "C". Comes with a sheet metal container with loops to attach it to a belt.
Civilian FM3? produced by? Comes with a filter made by Eckhardt and a sheet metal container for transportation.
FM3d from FATRA? Comes with a hose and filter (dated 1952) and a sheet metal container. This is a true relic, found burried in the ground, but for what reason?
Civilian VZ35, made by FATRA. Stamped S-54-38, size small. The Vz-35 was initial an English licenceproduct. Grey ones (like this one) are for civil defence and brown ones for the military. Known producents: FATRA, OPTIMIT, VIKTORIT, CHEMA and KUDRNAC. Masks with bend filterinlets are made for direct filterattachment, straight ones for hose attachment. Normally civil masks were carried in a sheet metal container (missing with this example).
Civilian VZ 35, made by FATRA. Former military mask (brown), but further used by the civil defence. Also with bend filterinlet. Comes with a filter made by Techna. The inside of the mask shows you an orange color of the rubber. Note also a different type of headbands compared by the previous mask. Comes with a sheet metal container but is missing here.
Civil CM4 gasmask, made by the factory of Gumarny Zubri. Comes with a cloth bag. The company was founded in 1935. More info can be found on the companys website: Interesting is that the company sended 13000 CM4 masks to Kuwait during the Gulf war, instead of the requested CM6. Apparently they sended an older gouvernmental firedepartment stock…
Military M10M gasmask, made by Gumarny Zubri. Comes with a rubberised cloth bag. The M10M is clearly a close copy of the famous US M17a2 gasmask. The mask incorporates a drinking device. Normally the mask is made of light grey rubber but this one is turned brown due to sunray discoloration
Hungarian M34 military mask. Made by Mercur VEGYIM.VEK (Budapest). Former had Mercur an Auer licence-agreement to produce the M28. Civil versions were almost the same but came with a cloth bag instead of this thick gauge sheet metal container.
Civil M76 gasmask, made by Medicor in begin of the eighties. The follow up of the M67. This mask comes with a snout made of plastic. The facetype is made in a way like German masks of WWII. Comes with a cloth bag.
Military M70 gasmask ,licence build from the Soviet PMG. Typical cloth bag and darkgreen filter. The filteroutlet has also got smaler holes.
Military unknown gasmask. Clearly a copy of the famous US M9 gasmask. No bag or filter was with it.
Military M3 gasmask. Made by Obilicevo around 1952. Verry similar to the Czechoslovakian VZ35. Comes normally with a big cloth bag, but is missing with this example.
Military M1 gasmask, made by MZK, which was founded at the former gun powder plant of Oblilicevo. MZK is now currently renamed in TRAYAL. The mask is clearly a close copy of the famous American M9. Civil versions also exist but they haven’t got an inner nose cup. Comes with a cloth bag which is also a copy of the M9a1 gas mask bag.
Military M2 gasmask, again made by MZK. The eyepieces are now fixed with plastic material and the exhale valve is also fitted with a plastic cover. Comes with a M9a1 type gas mask bag.
Civil Polish C2 gasmask. Unfortunately here without any headbands. production year 1939. The stamp F.M.S.P. would mean: F - Fabryka (factory), M - Masek (mask), S - Sprzętu (utility), P - Przeciwgazowego (anti gas). The stamp SF would mean? Otherwise M=Mali=Small, D=Duza=Large. One of the first types with an inner mask to reduce the dead space and prevent fogging of the lenses. Made by Plastov according to the stamp on the inside of the mask.
Civil ML gasmask, made in 1959 and resembles the Russian GP4. This mask comes with a “wrong” East-German bag.
Civil GSP mask, Made by Faser in Poland. This mask is also a part of a SBCA-unit. No dates or other readable stamps, but production start is assumed in the early sixties till the eighties?. This mask has got a central screwpoint in the snout for the 2 hoses. At the visor can the window wiper be seen. The mask was bought from a collegue who worked at the IREA in Belgium.
Military MC1, gasmask, made by Faser in Poland, but actually a licenced product from Czechoslovakia (CM3). Unfortunately without bag of filter.
Military unknown gasmask, made in 1938 by VEF (Valsts Elektrotechniska Fabrika), which was located in Riga (verry vaguely stamped). Those facepieces are build out of a layer of tricot, rubber and again tricot. The exhale valve is of the flutter type. Overall the head harness is like those of the German types. The facepieces where size-stamped inside, this one being size 2. Those masks were generally carried in cloth bags, but this one is not in my posession.
Civil GP5 gasmask, with cloth bag and green painted filter (civilian use). Those masks were also given to other countrys of the Warsaw Pact. Several differences are mainly to be seen on the snout piece. GP stands for Grajdanskii Protivogaz (civilian gasmask).
Military PMG2 gasmask, with cloth bag and khaki painted filter (army use). Civilians could also use those masks but then they were called GP5M.
Civil PDF-D gasmask, with cloth bag. This mask was used by children. The smalest version had a excentric exhale valve (seen on other pictures).
Civil PDF-D gasmask with a facepiece model MD3. This one comes with a cloth bag which had to be carried on the breast like a sort of rucksack.
Civil PDF-DA gasmask. This one comes with a cloth bag and elastic fabric headharness. Later ones were made of full rubber. Early type of exhale valve.
Civil PDF-DA gasmask, basically the same as before but in the smalest version. Exhale valve fitted excentric. Comes with a rucksack type cloth carrying bag.
Civil PDF-D gasmask, probably East-German. Older type of headharness.The bag seems to be made like German gear in WWII. Is it original to the mask?
Military SchMS optical gasmask. Production began around the early seventies. Unfortunately without bag.
Military MM1 gasmask. Headharness of the first type. Is it Bulgarian or Russian? More info please.
Military SchM41M gasmask. First models came from the USSR itself. This one comes with an army filter which says üb, meaning übung in German (Drill purpose).
Military PBF gasmask, made in the USSR but it’s said to be used only by the German border patrol. Unfortunately no bag was with it.
Civil GP5 gasmask, basically the same as the GP5 pictured before, but now in black rubber. Black ones were produced at the beginning of the eighties.
Civil/military GP5 gasmask. Strange configuration: a hose and a military filter is with it. No bag or whatsoever was with it.
Military PMG2 gasmask, like the one before, but now the latter black version. No bag included.
Military SchMS optical mask. Like the one shown more above, but now in black rubber. No bag included.
Military SchM41M gasmask, with short (civil) snout, but military hose, bag and filter. This one is made by Tambow in 1980 (code T80 on the facepiece). Comes complete with rubberised bag.
Military M10M gasmask, made in Russia, but in use by the East-German border patrol. Comes with a SBK-10 (SchutzBeKleidung type 10). Comes with a drinking device and typical East-German rubberised cloth bag.
Military SchR2 “headwound” mask. Made in Moscow in 1964 (code M64). Unfortunately no bag or filter was with it.
Military IP5 “rebreather”, made by (Я) which is Jakowlew. Year of production is 1977. comes complete with it’s carrying bag but no filter. I’m still looking for such a filter!!
Military GP7W, exact name is not certain. Made in Tambow, 1992 (bag in 1991). One of the first series, with drinking device and filterinlet on the left side. Comes complete with drinking canteen. Stored in a simple cloth bag.
27 opmerkingen:
Amazing collection! I actually believe I have the israeli civillian model, although it comes with a zivilschutzfilter 68 C-model filter, so it might be the german Drager model..
if you'd e-mail me at
I can show you a picture, so you can help me identify it better
What a massive and cool collection of gasmasks.
Dear friend.
I found your nice Blog searching about gas masks.
Please, email me to my personal email ( and I will provide you with a very interesting article in pdf file about WWI gas masks, published from a 1919 old american magazine. Best wishes from Barcelona, Spain. Sincerely, Pau
Wow, That was a very interesting tour of Gasmasks. I thought I had seen allot, you are "The Man". Very nice work and I thank you for sharing
Ron P
A really amazing collection but I think you are wrong about the Romanian model, I have serious doubts about the existence of a Romanian gas mask inspired by an US model!?!
My e-mail is: – if you want I can send you pictures about the Romanian gas masks I know about.
Best wishes
Vasile-Sorin Pascu
I've got quite a collection of gasmasks I am going to sell, including the ND Mk 4 with original bag, a French linen mask etc. Are you interested?
Hi great collection!
I also have a mask with the stamp 14 MEI 63H. Mei is actually Dutch for May but I think we have to read it as M.E.I. and it's pure co-incedence that it says 14 MEI. (actually the date, the dutch city of Rotterdam was destroyed by the Germans).
Hello Christophe,
I have a question about the "Civil VM40 Volksgasmaske". Please be so kind, to contact me on my e-mail address
Sincerely Mat
Hallo Friend, His collection is just fantastic, I am also collecting, I am collector only the 1st and 2nd war and is restricted to Germany and the USA.
Could you direct me to some book on masks from 1914 to 1945?
My e-mail:
Hello, are you registered on a gasmask collector page on facebook under the name Cameron Osborne. If not there is a user claiming to be you have your collection, and to be a polish war vet. If this is Cameron, we are sorry to disturb you, it just that some user, who will not be named, had some suspicion your claimed you are.
Hello, I Have have a gas mask that looks like the 50th mask in your collection.The mask is dated from 1965 and has a #294 imprinted at the top.Im writing to you because I know nothing about this mask.IF tou can help me with some history I wull apriciate it THANKS.If you can email me at THANKS AGAIN
Hey I found what appears to be a gas mask insert at a museum I'm working at. Any chance you might be able to help identify it? I'd really appreciate the help!
My email is
The msa one,in the red case, can you tell me the value of that one? Please email me at Thank you. Ray
G'day, I admire your gas mask collection, it's marvelous! I'm a gas mask fanatic myself, i've seen a really lovely one in your coçllection; IE the Civil Hospital Respirator (C5) from 1943
Do you know where I could get one of those? or are you willing to part from it?
You can reply to me at
Ik heb een aantal gasmaskers gevonden op zolder. Zou jij mij kunnen helpen te achterhalen welke types het zijn. Ik heb er foto's van genomen
hallo, maybe some collector like to buy, Civil Hospital Respirator (C5). Made by L&BR email
Hello, I'm trying to find the Military MBU13, made by Sierra&Scott. I was wondering if you could help me find this gas mask. I'm creating this mask and the respirator is mart of it. I'm sure you would not want to part from yours. I would appreciate your help. Thanks. Nice collection, by the way, never seen so many gas masks before.
Mogelijk kan ik je nog helpen aan info met betrekking tot de Nederlandse civiele gasmaskers uit wo2.
Hello! You have quite an impressive collection and I appreciate you posting it here for everyone to view these wonderful masks.
About your C3 gas mask, could you tell me where you obtained your information about its history? I'm looking for sources in order to write an article about them on the gas mask wiki.
I very much appreciate your time and once again thank you for sharing your collection!
Is this blog still active?
In fact it is...but only on a very limited base...
Sorry for all the non responded/delayed comments...
I have a gas mask that looks like the first one on your site but the bag looks like the last one under the mask. It does not anything written on the bag under MEDIUM ADULT.
Let ne know your Email, please.
I want to invited you to my Album by Google.
Im Stefan from Germany, 57 years old.
Like you i geht my first mask with 12.
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